Pressure , an important phase of life, teaches us a lot of things. From being frustrated all the time to taking things as simple as we can. The very important aspect of this pressure is it gives us great thoughts and lessons which are very practically related to our life.
All we know is the group of friends, each friend's group has a certain perspective be it any likewise some are friends of benefit while some are friends for the lifetime. We share our goods and bads with them, we conclude some of the things, decide something and forget. This cycle continues till you realize that not only something but everything is getting wrong against me. After this, you don't even want to share your thoughts with any of your friends or relatives or anyone. But what's important is to overcome, I know speaking about this is easy but actually following it kills.
Not all pressure leads to depression and not all depression leads to sucide, yes you heard it right cause sucide is something you cannot define in right wordings. Do you really think there's a term called sucide ? And in this someone kills himself..! Physically it may be correct but mentally it's totally wrong. No one wants to end his precious life for any reason, but the pressure he is suffering fromโฆWhat about that..? Managing pressure, being calm and cool in such situations is the need of time.
The main thing that kills passion and the smart one inside you is your overthinking. Never try to judge, Never try to compare, Never expect anything. Be calculated, be very calculated. It doesn't matter what the result is, it doesn't matter what will happen next ? But what are you doing now, how are you handling the pressure tonight will decide your path in future. Life is imperfect all the way. ' At a certain stage you will think this is not the right time , I will do it later and all' but my friend there's no right and wrong time in life. What you choose, you've to chase and achieve. Again I'm highlighting be calculated, be very calculated.
Many of us are at such a stage of life , where they're very confused about everything. Telling "kal pe sawal hai, jeena filhaal hai '' is easy but in reality we can't live in the present without thinking of our past and future.we have to think what's next ? We have to work on the situation today to make it better tomorrow. I know we aren't satisfied at any stage but having or achieving something that you have calculated in the past is what guides you in the right direction and the right perspective of life.
I'm getting things done, I'm having daily conversations with myself, what to decide next ? Should I stop or should I start something new ? The risk reward of life is what I'm calculating right now. No one is going to save you, you have to move, you have to participate and you've to win otherwise you're gonna die but when you try, it will be absolutely satisfying and you can at least say yes, I tried hard. In the end you will not end up with any regrets telling yourself why you haven't tried ? You would have made it..! And such thinking inside you will kill you everyday so do what you can, do what you're thinking of. Don't depend on anyone, take your own decision because what you will decide, you've to do. So decide wisely and yes " Be Calculated,Be Very Calculated."
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